...because quality is crucial!
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. God's love for us is beyond our comprehension. Jesus is the Son of God. He is God and man. Jesus suffered, died, and rose again. We are forgiven and have eternal life with Him in heaven if we believe.
REVERENCE Taking seriously the honor and opportunity to serve God by "Feeding His lambs." (John 21:15) ACCEPTANCE Loving others as Christ loves us. DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE PRACTICE (DAP) Helping children achieve learning goals by meeting them at their developmental level as individuals and part of a group. CHILD DEVELOPMENT Seeking, understanding, and implementing reliable research in young children's learning and growth. PROFESSIONALISM Being a leader in the field of Early Childhood and providing relevant and reliable policies, procedures, and information based on viable indicators of quality.
Provide high quality care and early education to young children in a loving Christian environment. Partner with parents to support and assist them in raising sons and daughters who were uniquely and intentionally created by God. Engage adult learners in the field of Early Childhood with the opportunity for observation and hands-on experiences in a developmentally appropriate, research based program.